
Site specific, time based work ― 240 Polaroids, final size of work 0.91m h x 3.40m w



Disorders, produced by Beaconsfield, St.Thomas' Hospital, London, 1996.

PUBLICATION — Low Tide - Writings on Artists' Collaborations, by Jeni Walwin, Black Dog Publishing - publication commissioned by London Arts Board.

A collaboration between invited artists, the management, staff and patients of St Thomas’ Hospital and Beaconsfield to intervene, record and comment upon the ongoing battle with mortality over a cycle of 24 hours. The project celebrated the launch of the Guys and St Thomas’ Sleep Centre, the first unit for research, diagnosis and treatment of the full range of sleep disorders.

Invited artists include: Kirsty Alexander and Paul Burwell, Anne Bean, John Carson, Sarah Cole, David Cunningham, Bruce Gilchrist, Matthias Jackisch, Michael Klega, Rona Lee, Alastair Maclennan, Guillaume Paris and Sonja Zelić.

The film work series was shown alongside Sleepwalkers — projected onto a large frame containing a feather duvet on an an adjacent wall.


240 Polaroids were taken from the same position in the South Wing corridor of the hospital, from 5.45 am on 15th August to 5.45 am on 16th August 1996. (Out-of-date Polaroid film donated by KJP, now WEX Photo Video)

The shots were taken at 5 minute intervals, the camera was directed at people's feet as they walked past. Automatic functions on the camera were switched off so that there was no adjustment to movement or lack of light. It could be said that the camera was in a state of unconsciousness while the pictures were being taken, creating blurred and fragmented images. 

Each image was displayed on the wall behind the camera recording the exact time at which it was taken.

The work was purchased by the Special Trustees of St Thomas' Hospital, and sited in the Sleep Research Centre.